Frequently Asked Questions

Why this site?

To allow spotters to interact with each other, and to make it easier to track down the whereabouts and movements of stock.

How can I track movements of stock?

By placing an alert on the stock item you are interested in, you will receive a message each time another member sights it. For each stock item, all sightings by members are listed against it, so from this you can build up a history of the stock sightings.

I have a dialup internet account. I don't want to have to be online to type in all my sightings. Is there an alternative?

Yes. While offline type all your sightings into a text file using notepad (for example), one sighting per line. Then logon to this site, create (or find an old) session, and use the 'upload sightings' link to upload the text file contents directly into the session.

Whats the idea behind the Statistics?

These are just a bit of fun. They show the item of stock that you have sighted the most; and also the items most sighted by all members.

How can I find out the best places to go for sightings?

Have a look at the 'Location Reviews'. Members post reviews of the places they've been to which lets you know where to visit, where to get the best views, where to eat, etc.

What server does LocoScene use? Is it a shared ISP type of thing?

LocoScene is a serious site and as such has its own cloud server

Will you be here today, gone tomorrow like so many other locomotive databases?

I really hope not. As long as the site is being used there should be no reason for closing it.

Is there a charge?

Light users will not have to pay. For the rest (full members), a small annual charge of £12 is all that is asked for. This helps towards the cost of the dedicated server on which LocoScene runs. You can upgrade by clicking here . (A light user has less than 300 sightings, or 20 photographs uploaded)