Home » All Sessions » Peterborough Freights (28/10/2006 07:25)
Owner: djf on tour
Date: 28 Oct 2006 07:25
Duration: till 1455
Location: Peterborough Freights

66085 + 609/610's 0801 Mrch-Yrd

0835 Yrd-Mrch 60073 + PGA's with 66209 dead in tow on the end !!!

66034+66212 L/E Dpt-Mrch
66701 + 640/996's 1000 Mrch-N
66248 + PNA's 1038/1225 S-N
66576 + F/L 1344 Mrch-N
66570 + F/L 1434 N-Mrch