Home » All Sessions » Chesterfield (18/12/2012 10:22)
Owner: Martian
Date: 18 Dec 2012 10:22
Duration: 2h 40m
Location: Chesterfield

Bit of a disaster really.... got there JUST as 47 did: 30 EARLY !" hence shocking photo: focussed on Stone: LOL
56 094 + 66s which should've passed about 10:55... now re-timed: 20:18 off Donnie !! HSTs Galore !


47 580

Off to Shipley...

66 086 Light South

43 321

43 301

66 016

43 366 (43 304)

66 042 / 66 207 DR - TO?

43 050 (43 075)
