66543 4O35 1116 57009 0Z57 up1118 66592 4L93 1133 66410 4S44 1202 92004 4H24 1316 325s 1A32 1357 66409 4M34 1432 66575 4M81 1439 66145 4A10 1514 66708 4M23 1546 66720 4L22 1617 90043 4M87 1630 not seen with John F
390023 - platform 2 is the new up fast
92030 6G62 1136
66503 4M94 1253
153334 up 1300 to Bletchley
90016 4L75 1317
90047/86604 4M88 1530
56303 4O90 1626