Home » All Sessions » Newport Station (11/01/2011 15:40)
Owner: Wild Swan
Date: 11 Jan 2011 15:40
Duration: until 16:40
Location: Newport Station

The 70's made it just past Usk Yard before going u/s. All photo's show them heading back, presumably to the docks, like a line of failed asylum seekers. I however got the photos after a dash from Stoke Gifford... Mission Accomplished


70's heading back to the docks!!!

70008 Newport station 11/01/2011

70011 leads the pack west. 11/01/2011

70008 and 70011 Newport 11/01/2011

70010 Newport 11/01/2011

70010 and 70008 Newport 11/01/2011

70009 and 70010 Newport 11/01/2011

70009 Newport 11/01/2011

70009 Newport 11/01/2011

70009 Rear guard 11/01/2011

70's Goodbyeeeee 11/01/2011

57314 at Newport 11/01/2011