66772 Eastleigh - Soton.
66501.Lawley Street-Soton.
66749 Eastleigh Yard -Mountsorrell.
66136 Morris Cowley. Soton.
66848,Eastleigh -Hinksey.
66847 North -yard.
70002+66545 Leeds-Soton.
66596 Wentloog-Soton.
57312 ,Stabled in Eastleigh -Stn Yard.
66713=66769.Doncaster-Eastleigh.(66769 went on to Brockenhurst New Forest.
66095 Cars.
700015+70007 Maritime.
66708 Eastleigh -Doncaster.
67024 Came off Depot.
66759 Refueling.
There were 10+ GBRF in the Eastleigh Area during the day.More and More are turning up.
3 TPE/Iep in Depot sidings.
66750 To Doncaster with 801-11 IEPS.
2 x class 37s in Works.
2 x class 86 Electrics inside worls.
class 90s to follow.